Personal coaching


Personal coaching to accompany you in your transition through life cycles.


Knowing how to be in each stage of life, responding to multiple challenges and daily situations, without forgetting your own needs and desires, is definitely a big challenge that requires awareness, resources and strategies.


  In the first session, we will dedicate some time

to determine what your life moment is and what you need to focus on,

what you want to face, overcome and transform.



In each session we come back to it, to pay attention to your experiences and challenges,

building step by step a personalized implementation guide to integrate new lasting and sustainable habits in your daily life.


The sessions consist of pranayamas, asanas and meditations, according to your needs,


to allow you to deepen and develop a new perspective, to discover your resources

and find the integration between reality and desires.



You can have from a single session to a series of 10 consecutive sessions,

an intense process that generates a before and after in you and your environment.



"A special and transforming experience"


"Excellent professional, she manages to share her knowledge in a relaxed and calm environment."


"Charlotte gives you an experience with respect, warmth, humility, helps and accompanies you on the path of

connecting with you and expanding outward that nurturing energy."




Pranayamas are exercises with specific breathing patterns that according to their structure and duration bring different benefits, such as calming the mind, relaxing the nervous system, balancing the sensory system, activating your vitality, etc ....


 The asanas, postures adapted to your physical condition, are performed to create an alignment where the Prana (vital breath) flows and adjust your physical body in order to release, relax and strengthen your body and

and above all renew your vital energy through the chakras (energy centers in the body).



The meditations you will get to practice are like teachers to allow you

to focus your mind, develop your intuition, regain inner security, self-confidence and other personal purposes.



The work on yourself, thanks to the practice of accompanied and guided yoga, creates a new reference point in your life, generating a renewed awareness and perspective of yourself, your relationships, personal sustainability and balance.